
Community, Data and Analytics, Lore

Tabletop Battletech podcast featuring tips and tricks, lance reviews, community spotlights, interviews, and more. Whether you are brand new to the world of Battletech or a veteran pilot looking to learn a few new tricks we promise there’s something for you.

Solaris Skunkwerks

Game Aids

Solaris Skunk Werks is a tool used to design Battlemechs offering a customizable HTML export, standard Technical Readout style Text Export, the ability to export your creation to a single line of text suitable for online chat (the so-called “Chat Export”), and even export to the popular and excellent MegaMek game in the form of an MTF file

Mech Factory (Android App)

Game Aids

Mech Factory offers a searchable, categorized database of Classic BT units with relevant stats and record sheets. It provides information about components and their board game rules, and contains brief descriptions about the CBT powers, fractions, clans, worlds and history.


Game Aids

All Flechs tools such as an interactive visualization of optimal movement and BattleTech’s line of sight rules, a Chaos Campaign Manager, an Attack Calculator and the Hit Location Game.